Membership Categories

The IBTA offers three Categories of memberships with voting rights

Category I

Incumbent local exchange carriers operating in Illinois on or before January 1, 1986.

Contact us for more information regarding Category I Membership or call 217-572-1264

Category II

Companies eligible for IBTA Category II membership include any individual, firm, partnership, limited liability company or corporation that is operating as a telecommunications company in the State of Illinois pursuant to a Certificate of Service granted by the Commission, and that is engaged in any of the following principal lines of business, shall be eligible for membership in this Corporation as a Category II Member: 

  • Interexchange carrier services
  • Local exchange service (if ineligible in Category 1)
  • Cellular
  • Radio common carrier
  • Personal communications services
  • Competitive access providers
  • Radio paging
  • Cable television also providing telecommunications
  • Re-sellers of broadband and telecommunications services

Membership subject to the approval of the IBTA Board of Directors.

Contact us for more information regarding Category II Membership or call 217-572-1264

Annual Dues for Category II members are $5000.00 (January 1st - December 31st)To become a Category II member of the Illinois Broadband and Telecommunications Association, click here.


Category III

Companies whose principle business is to:

  • Manufacture or sell broadband and telecommunications related supplies or services
  • To publish broadband and telecommunications industry trade papers or telephone directories
  • To act as consultant to the industry

Membership subject to the approval of the IBTA Board of Directors.

Annual Dues for Category III members are $500.00 (January 1st - December 31st) To become a Category III (vendor) member of the Illinois Broadband and Telecommunications Association, click here.